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Case Study: Pregis® curbside recyclable mailers help luxury retailer save $5.4MM in material costs and divert 1.1MM lbs of landfill waste during e-commerce shipping

In September 2023, a leading luxury retailer was looking to launch its ship-from-store (SFS) program, which set out to leverage over 200 of its retail stores to augment its online fulfillment to customers.


In September 2023, a leading luxury retailer was looking to launch its ship-from-store (SFS) program, which set out to leverage over 200 of its retail stores to augment its online fulfillment to customers.


As a part of its SFS implementation, the business challenged itself to adopt a mailing solution that could save on costs and reduce its carbon footprint – all while maintaining a premium customer experience.


Through its partnership with Pregis, the company identified a key opportunity to transition some of its packaging from traditional boxes to Pregis EverTec™ Cushioned Mailers. Pregis worked diligently with the retailer to replace its smallest box sizes with its cushioned mailers. To ensure a successful transition, Pregis identified a key opportunity to develop a formal training program for the retailer’s packers.


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